Cycle Route Darłówko-Jarosławiec
Wicie is located on the cycle route between Darłówko and Jarosławiec, which is a part of planned and partly completed Eurovelo Cycle Trail from Szczecin to Gdansk.
Segment from Darłówko to Jarosławiec is a true adventure for the whole family. Starting in village centre the path goes right to Jarosławiec and left to Darłówko.
Jarosławiec Direction:
First kilometre goes over a cobbled avenue between Baltic shoreline with beaches and protective forest left and diverse holiday resorts right. Further 2 kilometres go through bigger and thicker forest on both sides over a sandy path surfaced with old wooden railroad crossties. The last 2.5 kilometres lead over a former landing strip of an closed military airbase along the road between Rusinowo und Jarosławiec. The stripe of protective forest becomes very narrow, many small sandy forest paths shorter than 100 meters lead to rarely frequented sand beach. There are some food trucks selling drinks, snacks and ice cream along this part of the road.
Darłówko Direction:
Starting 1.5 kilometres go through mixed forest, over a sandy path surfaced with old wooden railroad crossties. Further 6.5 kilometres goes over a dam between the Baltic see right and lake Kopań left. The Baltic see is visible during the whole bike ride, whereby the lake Kopań is partly shining through light forest. Pleasant breeze blows from the Baltic see. Between the villages Wicie and Kopan the lake joins with the sea, this gorgeous place can be observed from a small flyover bridge. There is a nice powdery sand beaches along the village Kopań with some snack bars.

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